Simulation of nitrate reduction in groundwater – An upscaling approach from small catchments to the Baltic Sea basin

A.L. Hansen, C. Donnelly, J.C. Refsgaard, I.B. Karlsson

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17 Citations (Scopus)


This paper describes a modeling approach proposed to simulate the impact of local-scale, spatially targeted N-mitigation measures for the Baltic Sea Basin. Spatially targeted N-regulations aim at exploiting the considerable spatial differences in the natural N-reduction taking place in groundwater and surface water. While such measures can be simulated using local-scale physically-based catchment models, use of such detailed models for the 1.8 million km2 Baltic Sea basin is not feasible due to constraints on input data and computing power. Large-scale models that are able to simulate the Baltic Sea basin, on the other hand, do not have adequate spatial resolution to simulate some of the field-scale measures. Our methodology combines knowledge and results from two local-scale physically-based MIKE SHE catchment models, the large-scale and more conceptual E-HYPE model, and auxiliary data in order to enable E-HYPE to simulate how spatially targeted regulation of agricultural practices may affect N-loads to the Baltic Sea. We conclude that the use of E-HYPE with this upscaling methodology enables the simulation of the impact on N-loads of applying a spatially targeted regulation at the Baltic Sea basin scale to the correct order-of-magnitude. The E-HYPE model together with the upscaling methodology therefore provides a sound basis for large-scale policy analysis; however, we do not expect it to be sufficiently accurate to be useful for the detailed design of local-scale measures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-69
Number of pages12
JournalAdvances in Water Resources
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


  • Groundwater
  • Modeling
  • Nitrate reduction
  • Spatially targeted regulation
  • Upscaling

Programme Area

  • Programme Area 2: Water Resources


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