Scaling the Danish national water resources model for a pan-European quasi-3D groundwater resources model

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1 Citation (Scopus)


In this study, we upscale and simplify hydrostratigraphic information from a detailed model for Denmark to a pan-European scale. This is part of a larger project to develop a harmonised over-view of the volume and depth of groundwater resources in a quasi-3D European groundwater resource model. A 10 km grid and a maximum of c. 10 hydrostratigraphic layers were chosen as the common scale for the European database. The Danish information is based on the national water resources model (the DK-model), where the information is significantly more detailed (100 m grid and up to 26 layers). Information was transferred from the DK-model to the quasi-3D model by a method involving computations of mean volumes and expert assessment to reduce layers in each cell. In this process, detailed hydrostratigraphic information is lost, which could otherwise be used for local groundwater flow modelling in Denmark. However, the strength of the quasi-3D model is that it still contains the volumes of all hydrostratigraphic units, both the saturated and unsaturated parts. Hence, the upscaled model can contribute to a relatively precise calculation of European groundwater resources for the quantitative assessment of groundwater status across Europe at a 10 × 10 km scale.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8335
Number of pages6
JournalGEUS Bulletin
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2023


  • aquifers
  • Europe
  • groundwater resources
  • quasi-3D groundwater resource model
  • upscaling hydrostratigraphic layer model

Programme Area

  • Programme Area 2: Water Resources


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