Quantification of Density-Driven Natural Convection for Dissolution Mechanism in CO 2 Sequestration

Rasoul Nazari Moghaddam, Behzad Rostami, Peyman Pourafshary, Yaser Fallahzadeh

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73 Citations (Scopus)


Dissolution of CO 2 into brine causes the density of the mixture to increase. The density gradient induces natural convection in the liquid phase, which is a favorable process of practical interest for CO 2 storage. Correct estimation of the dissolution rate is important because the time scale for dissolution corresponds to the time scale over which free phase CO 2 has a chance to leak out. However, for this estimation, the challenging simulation on the basis of convection-diffusion equation must be done. In this study, pseudo-diffusion coefficient is introduced which accounts for the rate of mass transferring by both convection and diffusion mechanisms. Experimental tests in fluid continuum and porous media were performed to measure the real rate of dissolution of CO 2 into water during the time. The pseudo diffusion coefficient of CO 2 into water was evaluated by the theory of pressure decay and this coefficient is used as a key parameter to quantify the natural convection and its effect on mass transfer of CO 2. For each experiment, fraction of ultimate dissolution is calculated from measured pressure data and the results are compared with predicted values from analytical solution. Measured CO 2 mass transfer rate from experiments are in reasonable agreement with values calculated from diffusion equation performed on the basis of pseudo-diffusion coefficient. It is suggested that solving diffusion equation with pseudo diffusion coefficient herein could be used as a simple and rapid tool to calculate the rate of mass transfer of CO 2 in CCS projects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)439-456
Number of pages18
JournalTransport in Porous Media
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012


  • CO sequestration
  • Diffusion coefficient
  • Dissolution mechanism
  • Natural convection
  • Pseudo-diffusion coefficient

Programme Area

  • Programme Area 3: Energy Resources


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