Pollen morphological definitions and types

Johannes Iversen, Jørgen Troels-Smith

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter in bookResearch


    Translation from Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse. IV række , Bd. 3, nr. 8, København 1950, by Mrs. J. Tudor , Department of German, University of

    The present article is a translation of Johs. Iversen and J. Troels-Smith: Pollenmorphologische Definitionen und Typen, whcih originally appeared both in a Danish and a German version. The Plates I-XVI are reproduced without changes; hence it was necessary to retain the Danish sign "÷" to indicate a minus, although this has a different meaning in English. The English text was read critically by Dr. M. Tooley, University of Durham, and by Dr. J . Troels-Smith and Mr. B. Brorson Christensen, The Danish National Museum, and was revised with reference to the Danish version, Pollenmorfologiske definirioner og typer, by Olivia C. Collin, The Geological Survey of Denmark .

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDGU Årbog 1980
    Number of pages39
    ISBN (Print)87-421-0725-3
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 1981

    Publication series

    SeriesDGU Årbog


    • Denmark

    Programme Area

    • Programme Area 1: Data


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