
Esben Auken, Roger Guérin, Ghislain de Marsily, Pascal Sailhac

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

3 Citations (Scopus)


This special issue of the Comptes Rendus Geoscience is a collection of invited papers following three workshops on hydrogeophysics held in Autrans, France, 10–12 October 2007, Strasbourg, 18–20 January 2006, and Paris, 22 October 2004. These workshops were organised jointly by the Institut de physique du globe de Strasbourg (IPGS), the Laboratoire des transferts et hydrologie de l’environnement de Grenoble (LTHE) and the Sisyphe Laboratory (Structure and functioning of continental hydrosystems) at Paris 6 University (université Pierre et Marie Curie). The topic of these workshops was a discussion of the results of ‘WaterScan’, a three-year research project on hydrogeophysics sponsored by the French research organisation Centre national de la recherche scientifique – Institut des sciences de l’univers (CNRS-INSU), and by Fond national pour la science (FNS) within the programmes ECosphère COntinentale and Programme national de recherche en hydrologie (ECCO-PNRH).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)795-799
Number of pages5
JournalComptes Rendus - Geoscience
Issue number10-11
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2009
Externally publishedYes

Programme Area

  • Programme Area 2: Water Resources


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