HOVER (GeoERA): Hydrological processes and Geological settings over Europe controlling dissolved geogenic and anthropogenic elements in groundwater…

Project Details


The main objective is to gain understanding of the controls on both natural and polluted groundwater quality across Europe using the combined expertise and data held by European geological surveys / EuroGeoSurveys - this include the age and travel time distribution of European groundwater e.g. the occurence of paleowaters ( >10 Ky) recharged during the late Pleistocene.

Funding Source(s): H2020 / IFD

Period: 2018 - 2021

Region: Europe

Techniques/proxies: radioactive and stable isotopes, heavy noble gases

Material/data: Groundwater samples and models
Short titleHOVER (GeoERA)
Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/21