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PORO-CLIM: Surveying the seabed beneath POrcupine & ROckall basins to measure the pace of deep-time CLIMate change.
Hopper, J. R. (PI)
2/05/22 → 31/10/23
Project: Research
SHARP Storage - Stress History And Reservoir Pressure for improved quantification of storage containment risks
Keiding, M. (CoPI), Larsen, T. (PI), Dahl-Jensen, T. (CoI), Voss, P. H. (CoI), Vosgerau, H. (CoI), Fyhn, M. B. W. (CoI), Nielsen, C. M. (CoI) & Hopper, J. R. (CoI)
1/10/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research