Activities per year
- 2,450 - 2,500 out of 2,513 results
Search results
Sarup Sø - a classical Danish landnam study and a surprise find of varved sediments
Emily G. Bradshaw (Speaker), Peter Rasmussen (Speaker), N.H. Andersen (Speaker) & Bent Vad Odgaard (Speaker)
20 Aug 2002 → 25 Aug 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Principper for beregning af nitrareduktion i jordlagene under rodzonen
Ernstsen, V. B. (Speaker)
12 Aug 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Natural dynamics of Draved Forest, Jutland
A. Wolf (Speaker)
27 Jul 2002 → 1 Aug 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Behavoir of nitrate in clayey sediments - Influence of redox processes and microbial activity
Ernstsen, V. B. (Speaker)
15 Jul 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Refsgaard, J. C. (Speaker) & Nilsson, B. G. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2002 → 28 Jun 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling
Barlebo, H. C. (Speaker)
17 Jun 2002 → 20 Jun 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Harmonising Quality Assurance in Water Resources Management - Example from Groundwater Modelling
Refsgaard, J. C. (Speaker), Henriksen, H. J. (Speaker) & Scholten, H. (Speaker)
17 Jun 2002 → 20 Jun 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Naturskov i Danmark - dynamik og udvikling i fortid, nutid og fremtid
Møller, P. F. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Variations in Upper Oligocene - Lower Miocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and their relationship to glacio-eustatic sea-level changes, onshore Jylland, Denmark
Dybkjær, K. (Speaker)
7 Jun 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
GEUSs prøvebeskrivelse anvendt i marken
A. Grambo-Rasmussen (Speaker)
29 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Vandbalanceproblematikken og erfaringer med grundvandsmodeller - [Seminar for Teknisk Koordinationsudvalg for grundvandsbeskyttelse (TKU)]
Refsgaard, J. C. (Speaker)
27 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Ice growth in snow and its application for hydrology and glaciology in Greenland
Carl Egede Bøggild (Speaker)
27 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Ekskursion i Draved Skov (L'histoire de la Foret de Draved)
Møller, P. F. (Speaker)
27 May 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Pollen sedimentation and vegetation from historical maps ca 1800 in Denmark - research progress
Anne Birgitte Nielsen (Speaker)
26 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Remote Sensing applied to determine ice sheet ablation
Ahlstrøm, A. P. (Speaker)
24 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Neogen-Recent stratigrafi og basinudvikling i Viking Graben området, norsk og engelsk Nordsø
Gregersen, U. (Speaker) & Johannessen, P. N. (Speaker)
21 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Koncept for udpegning af pesticidfølsomme arealer
Barlebo, H. C. (Speaker)
17 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
En lang historie- Mariager Fjords Geologi
Birger Larsen (Speaker)
16 May 2002 → 1 Sept 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Glaciological studies at the Greenland ice sheet margin
Carl Egede Bøggild (Speaker)
7 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Albedo variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Ahlstrøm, A. P. (Speaker)
7 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Da Danmark steg op af havet
Rasmussen, E. S. (Speaker)
7 May 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Polarforsker Lauge Koch som geolog og organisator - en oversigt over Kochs indsats i udforskningen af det nord- og nordøstlige Grønland
Henriksen, N. (Speaker)
30 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Guld og ingen grønne skove - en oversigt over Grønlands geologi og mineraliseringer
B.M. Nielsen (Speaker)
25 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Late-Cenozoic environments in Greeenland: a review.
Bennike, O. (Speaker)
22 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Hvad fortæller fjeldene i Nord- og Nordøstgrønland om landets geologiske opbygning?
Henriksen, N. (Speaker)
20 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Scientific investigations in the Arctic Ocean
Mikkelsen, N. E. (Speaker)
19 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Praktiske anvendelser af geofysik
Vangkilde-Pedersen, T. G. (Speaker) & Skjellerup, P. (Co-author)
18 Apr 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Vulkaner og indsynkningsbassiner i Danmark
Peter Niels Johannessen (Speaker) & Jan Andsbjerg (Speaker)
9 Apr 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Measuring pesticides in water
Aamand, J. (Speaker)
22 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Palynology from Holocene cores in Disko Bugt, West Greenland
Lucia Roncaglia (Speaker)
21 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Fra kulsumpe til ørken
Stemmerik, L. (Speaker)
19 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Frequency of Faroe Slides
Lassen, S. J. (Speaker), Kuijpers, A. (Speaker) & Nielsen, T. (Speaker)
18 Mar 2002 → 20 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Remote sensing anvendt til bestemmelse af Indlandsisens afsmeltning
Ahlstrøm, A. P. (Speaker)
14 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Fakta om rent drikkevand på Fyn
Walter Brüsch (Speaker)
13 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
West Greenland 2002 Licencing Round
Sønderholm, M. (Speaker), Marcussen, C. (Speaker), Dalhoff, F. (Speaker), Gregersen, U. (Speaker), Stilling, J. (Speaker) & Halskov, J. (Speaker)
10 Mar 2002 → 13 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Thorkild M. Rasmussen (Speaker)
8 Mar 2002 → 14 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Den Miocæne lagserie
Rasmussen, E. S. (Speaker)
7 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Frozen assets
Carl Egede Bøggild (Speaker)
7 Mar 2002 → 8 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Exhibitions, workshops, seminars
Geologi, geokemi og pesticidsorption på markskala
Ernstsen, V. B. (Speaker)
6 Mar 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Physics of snowpacks
Carl Egede Bøggild (Speaker)
1 Mar 2002 → 8 Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Har politikerne et kvalificeret grundlag for beslutninger om beskyttelse af naturressourcerne?
Refsgaard, J. C. (Speaker)
28 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Modellering af vandbalance og stof transport
Marlene Ullum (Speaker)
28 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Dallund Sø and Langesø på Fyn, hvordan var tilstanden i gamle dage?
Emily G. Bradshaw (Speaker) & L.S. Johansson (Speaker)
25 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Geologiske forudsætninger for udbredelsen af gasudslip
Laier, T. (Speaker)
25 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Grundvandsovervågning, vidensopsamling og handlingsplaner - Pesticider og grundvand
Walter Brüsch (Speaker)
19 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation - popular science
Developing a diatom-salinity model for Denmark: the Vejlerne brackish lakes.
David Ryves (Speaker) & E. Jeppesen (Speaker)
13 Feb 2002 → 14 Feb 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
The Greenland ice sheet and Polar regions in the global climate system
Carl Egede Bøggild (Speaker)
11 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Heavy minerals in Africa and Asia
Henrik Stendal (Speaker)
6 Feb 2002 → 7 Feb 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Current debates on ecosystem baselines: challenges to palaeoecology
Bent Vad Odgaard (Speaker)
1 Feb 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster
Hvilken viden mangler vi for at angribe problemet
Jacobsen, O. S. (Speaker)
31 Jan 2002 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Scientific presentation without abstract/poster