Geological outline of Sicily and lithospheric tectono-dynamics of its Tyrrhenian margin from new CROP seismic data

I.R. Finetti, F. Lentini, S. Carbone, A. Del Ben, A. Di Stefano, E. Forlin, P. Guarnieri, M. Pipan, A. Prizzon

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Based on new CROP seismic data, integrated with other geological-geophysical information, an evolutive lithospheric tectono-dynamic reconstruction of the Sicilian region and its Tyrrhenian margin has been done with innovative results. The data and conclusions presented here are supported not only by the here annexed and described sections, but also by relevant results from the organic ensemble of the whole interpreted CROP dataset. The preorogenic (Lower Cretaceous) paleogeographic framework of the central Mediterranean, now much better constrained by direct CROP data, consisted of two inter-communicating ocean basins: the Alpine and Ionian Neotethys. These basins were interposed between Europe and Africa–Adria, and between the Adria and the Africa the Ionian one. Downward extension of the geophysical imaging to the upper mantle allowed a better understanding of the complex evolution of this wide Mediterranean area. One of the most significant and helpful new results obtained is represented by clear seismic imaging of the upper Ionian slab buried beneath a stack of allochthonous crustal units colliding with the paleo-Sicily
TitelCROP Project
UndertitelDeep seismic exploration of the central Mediterranean and Italy
RedaktørerI.R. Finetti
Antal sider57
ISBN (Trykt)978-008045760-4
StatusUdgivet - 12 dec. 2005
Udgivet eksterntJa


NavnAtlases in Geoscience


  • Programområde 3: Energiressourcer


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