Eastern North Greenland 1994, the 1:500 000 mapping project

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    The second field season of the Geological Survey of Greenland's (GGU) mapping project in eastern North Greenland (1993–95) was carried out according to plan and with full accomplishment of all geoscientific goals. The programme aims at producing a general overview of the onshore geology of the Jokelbugten to Kronprins Christian Land region (78–81 °N) in eastern North Greenland (Fig. 1) to be compiled as sheet no. 9 in GGU's 1:500 000 geological map sheet series; this is the last remaining incomplete map sheet at this scale in North and North-East Greenland. The field work was initiated in 1993 with limited reconnaissance work (Henriksen, 1994a), and in 1994 the first of two more intensive field campaigns was carried out. In addition to establishing a general overview of the regional geology the work aims at obtaining an evaluation of the economic geological potential of the region, in respect of both minerals and hydrocarbons. Two glaciological programmes were fully integrated with the project: one was carried out by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWi), Bremerhaven, Germany, while the other was partly based on a special grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
    TitelReport of Activities, 1994
    ForlagGrønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse
    Antal sider6
    StatusUdgivet - 1995


    NavnRapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse


    • Programområde 4: Mineralske råstoffer


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