Deliverable D.7-3: Results of the vulnerability assessment of the upper aquifer to pollution at pilot areas scale: statistics and sensitivity analysis

S. Broda, K. Duscher, A. Günther, J. Reichling, S. Schomburgk, G. Schubert, A. Uhmann, M. Bottig, Daniel Elster, R. Berka, D. Voutchkova, J. Schullehner, B. Hansen, C. Hickey, T. Hunter Williams, H. Bishop, S. Luoma, J. Ikonen, K. Kontodimos, I. LappasG. Arnó, A. Conesa, J.I. Herms, L. Baena-Ruiz, D.P. Pulido-Velázquez, D. Persa, A. Mercan, S. Janetz, J. Arustienė, N.E. Gál, M. Nidental, M. Jarmułowicz-Siekiera

    Publikation: Bog/rapportRapport (offentligt tilgængelig)


    This deliverable is part of work package (WP) 7 in the overall project HOVER - Hydrogeological processes and Geological settings over Europe controlling dissolved geogenic and anthropogenic elements in groundwater of relevance to human health and the status of dependent ecosystems.

    It has been promoted by the ERA-NET GeoERA (Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe). In this European project, led by the German Geological Survey (BGR), 16 geological services from 13 different countries participate. It focuses on the harmonized vulnerability to pollution assessment and mapping of the upper aquifer at both pan-European scale and national/cross-border and regional scale in 12 pilot areas.
    Antal sider58
    StatusUdgivet - 28 maj 2021


    NavnDeliverable for GeoERA project HOVER (WP7)


    • Programområde 2: Vandressourcer


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