Comparison of upper Bashkirian-upper Moscovian high frequency cycles between Bjornoya and the Loppa High, western Barents Sea

L. Stemmerik, G. Elvebakk, I. Nilsson, S. Olaussen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskningpeer review

13 Citationer (Scopus)


The upper Bashkirian-upper Moscovian succession on Bjornoya and in well 7120/2-1 from the Loppa High is composed of stacked high frequency, fourth- order cycles of mixed siliciclastics and carbonates. Four different types of cycles have been distinguished: conglomerate-dominated cycles are 5-10 m thick and characterised by conglomerates and shallow marine sandstones and they form close to tectonically active highs. Sandstone-dominated cycles are 5-15 m thick, and are composed of mixed sandstone, carbonate and shale in the lower, transgressive part whereas the succeeding regressive part consists of a coarsening- and shalllowing-upward sandstone succession. They characterise open platforms with a moderate supply of siliciclastic material whereas siltstone-dominated cycles formed in protected areas with limited siliclastic supply. Carbonate-dominated cycles consist of a basal bioturbated wackestone overlain by biogenic packstones and grainstones. Most cycles are terminated by microkarstic surfaces.

TitelSequence stratigraphy - concepts and applications
UndertitelProceedings of the Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference, 6-8 September 1995, Stavanger, Norway
RedaktørerF.M. Gradstein, K.O. Sandvik, N.J. Milton
Antal sider13
ISBN (Trykt)0-444-8278-03, 978-0444827807
StatusUdgivet - 1998
BegivenhedNorwegian Petroleum Society Conference 1995 - Stavanger, Norge
Varighed: 6 sep. 19958 sep. 1995


NavnNorwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication


KonferenceNorwegian Petroleum Society Conference 1995


  • Programområde 3: Energiressourcer


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