Bacterial mineralisation of the phenylurea herbicide linuron in Danish agricultural soil - studies on in-field spatial variability and underlying microbial processes

S.R Sørensen, J Rasmussen, P Rosenberg, O.S Jacobsen, R.K Juhler, J. Aamand, C.S. Jacobsen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsAbstract i proceedings

TitelConference Abstract Book
ForlagSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry & Pesticide Microbiology Group
StatusUdgivet - 2004
Begivenhed4th International Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Pesticide Microbiology: Pesticides, Microbial Functions and Biodiversity in Soils - Thessaloniki, Greece
Varighed: 4 sep. 20049 sep. 2004


Konference4th International Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Pesticide Microbiology: Pesticides, Microbial Functions and Biodiversity in Soils
ByThessaloniki, Greece


  • Programområde 2: Vandressourcer
