Assessment of NE Greenland: prototype for development of Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal methodology

Donald L. Gautier, Lars Stemmerik, Flemming G. Christiansen, Kai Sørensen, Torben Bidstrup, Jørgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Kenneth J. Bird, Ronald R. Charpentier, David W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, Christopher J. Schenk, Marilyn E. Tennyson

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskningpeer review

20 Citationer (Scopus)


Geological features of NE Greenland suggest large petroleum potential, as well as high uncertainty and risk. The area was the prototype for development of methodology used in the US Geological Survey (USGS) Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA), and was the first area evaluated. In collaboration with the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), eight "assessment units" (AU) were defined, six of which were probabilistically assessed. The most prospective areas are offshore in the Danmarkshavn Basin. This study supersedes a previous USGS assessment, from which it differs in several important respects: oil estimates are reduced and natural gas estimates are increased to reflect revised understanding of offshore geology. Despite the reduced estimates, the CARA indicates that NE Greenland may be an important future petroleum province.

TitelArctic petroleum geology
RedaktørerAnthony M. Spencer, Ashton F. Embry, Donald L. Gautier, Antonina V. Stoupakova, Kai Sørensen
UdgivelsesstedLondon, United Kingdom
ForlagGeological Society of London
Antal sider10
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-86239-328-8
StatusUdgivet - 2011


NavnGeological Society, London, Memoirs


  • Programområde 3: Energiressourcer


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