• Øster Voldgade 10
    1350 Copenhagen K

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Publikationer pr. år



  • 2015

    Ice Sheets, Glaciers, and Sea Level

    Alison, I., Colgan, W., King, M. & Paul, F., 2015, Snow and Ice-related hazards, risks and disasters. Shroder, J. F., Haeberli, W. & Whiteman, C. (red.). Elsevier, s. 713-747 35 s. (Hazards and Disasters Series).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskningpeer review

    10 Citationer (Scopus)
  • Physical, thermal and mechanical properties of snow, ice and permafrost

    Arenson, L. U., Colgan, W. & Marshall, H. P., 2015, Snow and ice-related hazards, risks and disasters. Shroder, J. F., Haeberli, W. & Whiteman, C. (red.). Elsevier, s. 35-75 41 s. (Hazards and Disasters Series).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskningpeer review

    34 Citationer (Scopus)