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Personlig profil



Simon Stisen


[email protected]  phone: 91333633

Date of Birth

November 2, 1975




Technical University of Denmark, 2003, MSc in Hydrology
University of Copenhagen, 2007, PhD in Remote sensing and hydrology

Employment Record



Position and Responsibilities


Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

Research Professor, Department of Hydrology


Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

Senior Scientist, Department of Hydrology


University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Guest researcher, School of Civil and

 Environmental Engineering


Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

Researcher, Department of Hydrology

Key Competencies

Scientific and Project leadership

Research topics: Hydrological modelling, Satellite remote sensing, spatial patterns in hydrology, water balance closure, climate change impacts on water resources.

Selected Experience Record – Management of Research Projects and Assignments

  • Project leader of the PEACE project on groundwater depth dynamics in peatlands and its impact on GHG emissions (2022-2026). Funded by DFF (6.2 mio. DKK)
  • Received the Villum Foundation Young Investigator personal grant in 2014 for the SPACE project
  • Project leader of the research project SPACE - SPAtial Calibration and Evaluation in distributed hydrological modeling using satellite remote sensing data (2014-2019). Funded by the Villum Foundation (VKR023443, 7 mio. DKK).(http://www.space.geus.dk/)
  • Project leader of the research project MAR-China concerning managed Aquifer Recharge in the North China Plains (2018-2021). Funded by DANIDA (17-M08-GEU, 5 Mill. DKK). (https://www.mar-china.geus.dk/)
  • Scientific leader of the team behind the 12 Mill. DKK Hydrological Informations and Prognosis (HIP4+) project (2018-2020). Developing a highresolution groundwater-surface water model for Denmark for climate change impact studies.
  • Project leader of the research and capacity building project CLIVET concerning climate change impacts on hydrology and agriculture in Tanzania (2009-2015). Funded by DANIDA (09-066GEUS , 6 Mill. DKK).  As project coordinator, Simon lead the project from 2011-2015.
  • Danish project leader on the international research project on water resources and climate resilience in Ghana (CREAM 2019-2024). Funded by DANIDA (GEUS part 2.8 Mill DKK, Total budget 12 Mill DKK)
  • Recipient of DFF travel grant (125.000 DKK) and Inge Lehman foundation scholarship (39.000 DKK) in 2009.

International invited talks

  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) Water Lecture Seminar Series 2018 #6. June 26th 2018 “A framework for spatial pattern oriented calibration of distributed hydrological models using satellite observations”
  • Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen, China. Nanshan Guest Lecture Series. September 21st 2018 “A framework for spatial pattern oriented calibration of distributed hydrological models using satellite observations”
  • British Geological Survey, London, England. HydroJules British mainland groundwater modelling meeting. January 23rd “The Danish national groundwater model
  • University of Copenhagen International Groundwater Symposium. November 16th –17th “National scale groundwater-surface water modelling in Denmark”


  • PostDocs: Xin He (2010-2014), Gorka Mendiguren (2015-2018), Fabio Oriani (2016-2018), Cüneyd Demirel (2016-2019), Julian Koch (2017-2020), Raphael Schneider(2017-2022), Mohsen Soltani (2019-2021), Mie Andreasen (2019-2023), Grith Martinsen(2019-2021), Saskia Noorduijn (2021-2023), Trine Enemark (2022-2023), Ida Karlson (2019-2023), Jun Liu (2022-2023) and Tanja Denager (2022-2023).
  • Unofficial main-supervisor for PhD’s Julian Koch (2017) and Mehrdis Danapour (2019), employed at GEUS: In addition co-supervisor on several PhDs at KU, AU and abroad.

PhD evaluation committees

  • Gasper Laurent Sechu, Aarhus University 2022; Kim Madsen vant Veen, Aarhus University 2022; Rakesh Chandra Joshi, University of Melbourne 2022; Jun Liu, Technical University of Denmark 2022; Søren Højmark Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen 2012.


  • Programområde 2: Vandressourcer


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