Peter van der Keur

Senior Forsker

  • Øster Voldgade 10
    1350 Copenhagen K

Beregnet ud fra antal publikationer lagret i Pure og citationer fra Scopus
1996 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


I moved from the Netherland to Denmark in 1986 at the age of 26. I married to Lene in 1988 and have four children, born 1989 to 1999 and live in Hillerød to the North of Copenhagen

I studied Physical Geography at the University of Copenhagen: MSc in 1993 (in collaboration with University of Uppsala and Agricultural University of Sweden in Ultuna); PhD in 1998 (in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark and Danish Agricultural University)



Name               Peter van der Keur

Contact            [email protected]                            phone: +45 9333630 / +45 29893192 (private)

Date of Birth   March 27, 1960

Nationality      Dutch


University of Copenhagen, 1993, MSc in Physical Geography / Hydrology
University of Copenhagen, 1998, PhD in Hydrology and Remote Sensing

Employment Record

2008-date   Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS),  Senior Scientist

2001-2008   Geological Survey of Denmark  and Greenland (GEUS),  Scientist

1999-2001   Roskilde University,   Assistant Professor

1998-2000   Agricultural University,   Post Doc

Selected recent Project Experience:

Project leader of work package (WP4) on groundwater resources in Geological Service of Europe (GSEU), 2022-2027

Project leader of Tools for Assessment of ClimaTe change ImpacT on groundwater and adaptation strategies (TACTIC), a groundwater theme project under GeoERA, an ERA-NET Co-Fund Action (2018-2021, PL: 2020-2021).

Work-package co-leader in ‘Nature Insurance Value: Assessment and Demonstration’ (NAIAD), an EU-Horizon2020 funded project (2017-2021)

Nordic Centre of Excellence on Resilience and Societal Security (NORDRESS). NordForsk funded project (2015-2019)

Work-package co-leader in EU-Horizon2020 funded Coordination & Support Action project ‘Knowledge Inventory for Hydrogeology Research’ (KINDRA) (2015-2018)

Task leader in 'Community Resilience in Urban Areas' (CRUA). Collaborative task subcontracted under Danish Red Cross (2015-2016)

Partner in EU-FP7 Coordination & Support Action funded project on ‘Capacity Development for Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation’ (CATALYST) (2011-2013)

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Ph.d., Measuring and Modelling Spatial Distributed Surface Soil Moisture in Relation to Remotely Sensed Data, Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 31 aug. 1998

Master, MSc Physical Geography / Hydrology, Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 31 aug. 1993

Eksterne ansættelser

Chair UNECE Groundwater Resources Working Group, UNECE /

1 dec. 2022 → …


  • GB Physical geography


  • Programområde 2: Vandressourcer


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