• Øster Voldgade 10
    1350 Copenhagen K

Beregnet ud fra antal publikationer lagret i Pure og citationer fra Scopus
1985 …2020

Publikationer pr. år



  • 2004


    Poulsen, N., Akhmetzhanov, A. & Shipboard Scientific Party of Leg 3, 2004, Interdisciplinary studies of North Atlantic and Labrador Sea margin architecture and sedimentary processes: Preliminary results of investigations during the TTR-13 cruise of RV Professor Logachev, July-September 2003. Kenyon, N. H., Ivanov, M. K., Akhmetzhanov, A. M., Kozlova, E. V. & Mazzini, A. (red.). France: UNESCO, s. 47-49 3 s. (IOC Technical Series, Bind 68).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskning

  • 1996

    Tertiary dinoflagellate biostratigraphy. ODP Sites 970, 908 and 908 in the Norweigian-Greenland Sea

    Poulsen, N. E., Manum, S. B., Williams, G. L. & Ellegaard, M., 1996, North Atlantic - Arctic Gateways I: Covering Leg 151 of the Cruises of the Drilling Vessel "Joides Resolution", St. John's Arbor, Newfoundland, to Reykjavik, Iceland, Sites 907-913, 24 July-24 September 1993. Thiede, J., Myhre, A. M., Firth, J. V., Johnson, G. L. & Ruddiman, W. F. (red.). Texas A & M University, s. 255-287 33 s. (Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Bind 151).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/rapport/konferenceproceedingsBogkapitelForskningpeer review

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