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  • 2023

    Critical metals and minerals in the Nordic countries of Europe: diversity of mineralization and green energy potential

    Jonsson, E., Törmänen, T., Keiding, J. K., Bjerkgård, T., Eilu, P., Pokki, J., Gautneb, H., Reginiussen, H., Rosa, D., Sadeghi, M., Sandstad, J. S. & Stendal, H., 16 jun. 2023, The Green Stone Age: Exploration and exploitation of minerals for green technologies. Smelror, M., Hanghøj, K. & Schiellerup, H. (red.). London: Geological Society of London, s. 95-152 58 s. (Geological Society Special Publications, Bind 526).

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    7 Citationer (Scopus)
  • 2016


    Kolb, J., Rosa, D., Thrane, K. & Keiding, J. K., 2016, Mineral resources in the Arctic. Boyd, R., Bjerkgård, T., Nordahl, B. & Schiellerup, H. (red.). Geological Survey of Norway, s. 162-189 28 s. (Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication.).

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