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Øster Voldgade 10
1350 Copenhagen K
Publikationer pr. år
Name |
Ida Karlsson Seidenfaden (Former: Bjørnholt Karlsson) |
Contact | |
Education |
Ph.D. in Hydrogeology (2015), Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark M.Sc. in Geology-Geoscience (2012), Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark B.A. in Geology-Geoscience (2009), Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
2019 – current: Researcher, Department of Hydrology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
2015 – 2018: Postdoc, Department of Hydrology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
2010 – 2015: Ph.D. Student Researcher, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management and Department of Hydrology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).
Integrated hydrological and groundwater modelling with spatial and advanced calibration and validation techniques # Climate change impact studies of water quantity and quality # Climate change uncertainty, land use projections, hydrological modelling uncertainties # Nitrate transport modelling and assessment # Sea level projection and flood modelling.
Water4Nature: Principal investigator, Water4Nature is a biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and hydrology project in Draved Forest, Denmark with combined monitoring and modelling programs, GeoCenter (1,065,000 DKK).
SeaLevelRise: Participant, a sea level projection project for five sites in Denmark, where influence on flood risk and groundwater levels are evaluated, GeoCenter (3,000,000 DKK).
CREAM: Work package lead, Building Climate-Resilience into Basin Water Management (CREAM). A climate and hydrology project in Ghana investigating groundwater resources and resilience. DANIDA (11,998,000 DKK)
TACTIC (2018-2021): Deputy project lead and task manager, Tools for Assessment of ClimaTe change ImpacT on groundwater and adaptation Strategies (TACTIC), a pan-European project with more than 20 geological survey on climate change impact, groundwater, salt water intrusion and collaboration, a GeoEra – Horizon 2020 project (13,500,000 DKK/1,800,000 €).
GeoTwinn (2018-2021): Participant, Capacity building and collaboration between BGS (British Geological Survey), HGI-CGS (Hrvatski Geoloski Institut, Croatia) and GEUS on hydrological, geological and climate change modelling of groundwater resources in Croatia, European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (7,500,000 DKK).
HOBE (2007-2019): Participant, the Danish Centre for Hydrology (HOBE) concerns the building and managing a hydrological observatiory in Denmark, as well as applying new and innovative monitoring and modelling on the datasets. Villum foundation (64,800,000 DKK).
TReNDS (2015-2018): Postdoc, TReNDS - Transport and Reduction of Nitrate in Danish landscapes at various Scales is a nitrate modelling project on drain flow and reduction capacity in Denmark. Innovation Fund Denmark (15,000,000 DKK).
CRES (2010-2015): Ph.D. Student Researcher on “CRES – The Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System”. PhD Project: “Assessment of the effect of climate change on the hydrological cycle“. A project on climate change impact modelling and uncertainties in hydrological modelling and land use predictions. Danish Council of Strategic Research (29,000,000 DKK).
Teaching of MSc course: “Water Resources” at University of Copenhagen (3 consecutive years).
Master level supervision: 1 ongoing, 4 completed.
PhD level supervision: 1 current (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi)
Censor at Geoscience Copenhagen University: > 10 master and bachelor thesis evaluations
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Abstract ved konference
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review
Seidenfaden, I. K. (Indbudt taler), Sonnenborg, T. O. (Indbudt taler), Schneider, R. J. M. (Medforfatter) & Stisen, S. (Medforfatter)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Videnskabeligt foredrag uden abstract/poster
Schneider, R. J. M. (Indbudt taler), Andreasen, M. (Medforfatter), Hansen, M. F. T. (Medforfatter), Henriksen, H. J. (Medforfatter), Højberg, A. L. (Medforfatter), Koch, J. (Medforfatter), Nilsson, B. (Medforfatter), Seidenfaden, I. K. (Medforfatter) & Stisen, S. (Medforfatter)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Videnskabeligt foredrag uden abstract/poster
Stisen, S. (Indbudt taler), Schneider, R. J. M. (Medforfatter) & Seidenfaden, I. K. (Medforfatter)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Videnskabeligt foredrag uden abstract/poster
Schneider, R. J. M. (Indbudt taler), Troldborg, L. (Medforfatter), Højberg, A. L. (Medforfatter), Seidenfaden, I. K. (Medforfatter) & Stisen, S. (Medforfatter)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Videnskabeligt foredrag uden abstract/poster
Skjerbæk, M. R. (Indbudt taler), Seidenfaden, I. K. (Medforfatter) & Sonnenborg, T. O. (Medforfatter)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Videnskabeligt foredrag uden abstract/poster