• Øster Voldgade 10
    1350 Copenhagen K

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Key Qualifications

Management of scientific staff, strategic leadership, project management, groundwater monitoring strategies, groundwater quality, pesticides in groundwater, reactive hydrogeochemical and transport modelling, hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeology, chemistry in geothermal, chemistry in CO2 storage, coupling of geoscientific data, experimental design, special core analysis, routine core analysis, flooding experiments (CO2, oil, water), reservoir condition experiments (elevated pressure and temperature).

Employment Record


GEUS (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland) Geochemistry Department - Head of Department


GEUS Core Laboratory, Reservoir Geology Department- Head of Laboratory


GEUS Core Laboratory, Reservoir Geology Department- Reservoir Engineer


GEUS, Department of Hydrology - Senior Researcher


DTU, Department of Environment and Resources - Associate Professor


RAMBØLL, Water Resources Department. - Project Manager


Independent Consultant


Environment & Resources DTU - Associate Professor


Environment & Resources DTU - Assistant Professor


Project owner of all hydrogeochemical projects at GEUS since 2016 (annual budget EUR 3.6m) e.g. the pesticide leaching assessment program (PLAP), the national groundwater monitoring reporting (GRUMO), the geological project for the Danish radioactive waste repository.

Project manager (PM) and work package (WP) lead in a variety of projects since 2004 e.g.:

  • PM - AQUAPLEXUS - The new technology to ensure high-quality groundwater and drinking water for the future (EUR 3.4 m);
  • PM – PERFORM II - Developing generic tools to assist the design of cation filters for geothermal systems (EUR 0.8 m);
  • PM (co-PI) – PESTICID – Development of high-throughput HRMS based analytical methods for drinking water analysis (EUR 0.8 m);
  • PM - PERFORM – Improving geothermal system performance through collective knowledge building and technological development (EUR 0.8m);
  • PM – CRYOREM - A novel technology for in situ remediation of contaminated sites by cryo-enhanced delivery of treatment agents in low permeable deposits (EUR 1.3m);
  • WP Lead - HeHo – Heat Storage in Hot Aquifers, WP1: Experimental work (EUR 1.3m);
  • PM – AQUA-DK – CO2 Storage in Danish Sandstone (EUR 0.7m).

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Ph.d., Nickel mobilization in response to groundwater acidification, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 1 aug. 2001

Master, Hydrogeological investigations at the Beder Aquifer: 3D geological and transient hydrogeological modeling

Dimissionsdato: 1 aug. 1997


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