Anne-Sophie Høyer

Senior forsker

  • C.F. Møllers Allé 8
    Bygning 1110
    8000 Aarhus C

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Personlig profil


I have been working with co-interpretation and 3D geological modelling of geophysical and geological data in the Danish subsurface for the last 12 years. 

I have a multi-disciplinary background as a geologist schooled and trained in applied geophysics, and I enjoy working in multi‐disciplinary teams. 

My research has focused at improving the geological mapping and modelling of complex geological settings, and I have therefore built strong competencies in various related subjects (e.g. glacial geological processes, Quaternary geology, co-interpretation of different data types, geological interpretation of geophysical data and 3D geological modelling approaches and uncertainties).


Personal information

Name: Anne-Sophie Høyer Christensen

Author name: Anne-Sophie Høyer

Email: [email protected]

Date of birth: 30/12 1982

Maternity leaves: 1st kid (Nov 2016-Nov 2017), 2nd kid (June 2019-February 2021)

Employment record

2018-date: Senior researcher at the Geological survey of Denmark and Greenland

2012-2018: Researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greeland 

Project management of research projects

  • WP lead on the project ‘INTEGRATE’ (“Informative mapping of construction aggregate resources through statistical data analysis”) funded by Innovation fund, Denmark, 2023 - 2026
  • Project lead of ‘Geoconcept’ (“Geological 3D conceptualization for groundwater modelling”) funded by Geocenter Denmark, 2016 - 2022

Project management of advisory projects

  • Task lead on the project ‘N retention map, 2024’. 2022 – 2024. Funded by the Environmental Centre, Denmark
  • Project lead on the project ‘Ribe Øst’ for DIN Forsyning, 2022-2023


  • Organizer of the 6th European Meeting on 3D Geological Modelling (to be held at GEUS in 2023)
  • Member of the 3D geological modelling network at Geological Surveys (2011-)
  • Part of the Danish censor corps for higher education in geoscience in 2014-2022
  • Supervisor for 2 M.Sc. students from Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Ph.d., Geophysical mapping of complex glaciogenic large-scale structures, Aarhus Universitet

1 sep. 20047 dec. 2012

Dimissionsdato: 7 dec. 2012


  • QE Geology
  • Glacial geology
  • TEM data
  • Vibroseismic data
  • Quaternary geology
  • Geological modelling
  • Integration of geology and geophysics
  • Near-surface geophysical methods
  • Geostatistical modelling
  • Hydrogeology
  • Glaciotectonics
  • Groundwater ressources
  • Vulnerability mapping


  • Programområde 2: Vandressourcer


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